Can Guinea Pigs Distinguish Between Humans?

     Guinea pigs have good memories. Not incredible, but not horrible, either. But can they distinguish between humans? In other words, can they know that my mom is my mom and that I am Trisha? Can they also remember faces? It's hard to know, but we have some thoughts. 

    Guinea pigs might not be able to distinguish between faces, but definitely voices. Guinea pigs have a much better sense of hearing than sense of sight. They can figure out who's who just by a few spoken words. 

    Guinea pigs are able to remember faces/voices for a short period of time, if they have seen the face/heard the voice very often. If you go on a month long trip, for example, once you get back your piggies will surely know who you are. 

    Sorry I didn't have time for long post. Hope you found this information at least mildly interesting! :D 


  1. Wow I didn't know that! It's so cool that the guinea pigs will know when you're talking !

  2. That's amazing! Usually some animals won't even recognize there owner after like only a month! Very interesting post, keep it going! :)


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