Why Guinea Pigs Might Not Be Right For You

     A lot of people really enjoy pets. You might be looking to get a pet right now and are thinking about getting some guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are great pets and you will surely love them! But are they the right pet for you? There are a lot of cons to keeping guinea pigs. Make sure you're prepared! 

  • Guinea pigs are loud. Guinea pigs are quite loud creatures sometimes. They make a variety of sounds and if you live somewhere where it's typically quiet or needs to be quiet, guinea pigs might not be the best pet. They wheek when they are hungry, sometimes fight, and are not always sleeping! 
  • Guinea pigs aren't perfect for all ages. There's no right age to get your first pet, just like there's no right age to get guinea pigs. But sometimes, younger kids can't care for them right. They could hurt the piggies or stress them out. Guinea pigs aren't as easy to take care of as it might seem. You need a good amount of responsibility, which some kids don't have. 
  • Guinea pigs aren't dogs. If you're looking into getting a pet that can play with you and cuddle, like a dog or a cat, guinea pigs aren't the right pet for you. They are typically shy and don't especially love humans. Though all guinea pigs are different! Some are more friendlier than others. But typically, guinea pigs do not behave like dogs or cats. 
  • Guinea pigs are hard to care for. They aren't as hard to care for as dogs, or as easy as a fish, and not even somewhere in between. They have a lot of needs and wants. Guinea pigs need large cages, vegetables, pellets, water, hay, huts, bedding, treats, other hidies and tunnels, some amount of human attention, the right temperature, exercise, regular vet checkups, and a whole lot more. If you travel a lot, or your family is out of the house a lot, guinea pigs are probably not going to work out for you.
  • Guinea pigs get sick. Like all living creatures, guinea pigs can get sick. Even if you care for them really well, at some point or another something might happen. It's not always your fault as an owner. Also, guinea pigs tend to hide their sicknesses. That can always make it harder to find a problem. Regular vet checkups (yearly or every two-three years, if possible) are necessary. There are a lot of diseases and problems that can affect a guinea pig. 
  • Guinea pigs are social creatures. You need two or more guinea pigs. Without that, your guinea pig will be lonely. Another animal or even a human companion cannot replace the importance of a guinea pig friend. In the wild, guinea pigs live in herds. 
  • Guinea pigs take up space. You need a big cage for guinea pigs and a good place to put that cage, too. Large cages are important so your guinea pigs has enough exercise. A good cage size is 2 feet by 4 feet, or 3 feet by 3 feet. That is much bigger than you might think!

    These are some of the many reasons why guinea pigs might not be the right pet for you. Thanks for reading and see you next time on Trisha's Guinea Pig Adventures! Comment to add thoughts, questions, and concerns! Bye! 


  1. I'm a cat lover
    I have 8 cats at home. I love them all.

    greetings from Indonesia

    1. That's a lot of cats! Cats are awesome pets to have! What are your cats' names?

    2. Nicely written Trisha- from your experience of keeping two guinea pigs for the past 20 months. It's tough and at the same time expensive to maintain them. It's true they Don't interact with you unlike dogs or cats.
      We have one guinea pig for the past 2 years and we are tired of taking care of it, though we love her a lot.


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