How Guinea Pigs Are Like Cats


I made this venn diagram to show how guinea pigs are a lot like cats in a lot of ways :)

    Guinea pigs are: rodents; they're smaller; and are more skittish
    Cats are: well, they're cats; they're bigger; and friendlier
    Both: whiskers; they purr; they clean themselves; they're usually grumpy 😜; and they sometimes scratch people (in the case of guinea pigs, accidentally, but it still hurts!). 

    Ooh and I forgot to add something to the venn diagram-- both guinea pigs and cats puff up when they are feeling threatened. It's an adaptation and instinct that makes them appear bigger and scarier to predators. You may have noticed your guinea pig or cat do this! 

    Hope you enjoyed this silly post :) Make sure to comment and subscribe/follow and see you next time on Trisha's Guinea Pig Adventures! 


  1. Wow lol! Cats are adorable, but guinea pigs are so tiny!!


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