Piggie Fun Fact #5: Are Guinea Pigs Predators or Prey?

         Guinea pigs are indeed prey. Because of their small size and rodent classification, many animals love guinea pigs as food. Common predators of guinea pigs are: Large birds (such as eagles, hawks, owls, etc.), wild cats, coyotes, wolves, and snakes. 

        Notice: If you ever take your guinea pigs outside and you live in a place where there are these animals, stay with your guinea pigs at all times. If you see a bird circling overhead, bring your guinea pigs inside. If you see a wolf or any other animal listen above, bring your guinea pigs inside. 

        It may sound weird, but your guinea pigs may and normally do mistake you and other humans as predators. Your large size, odd sounds and behavior make them think that. This is why your guinea pig will run and hide if you try to grab them directly, no matter how tamed they are. 

    Always approach your guinea pig calmly and slowly. Keep your voice low and calm. Guinea pigs can't "sense fear" in the way some other animals can, but if you're scared or make movements that show you are scared, they might notice that and be scared too. Try and be calm near a guinea pig, even if you're scared. 

Source: Animals Mom-- Guinea Pigs Life In The Wild

    I hope you enjoyed this post, and that you found it helpful! Make sure to subscribe and follow and see you next time on Trisha's Guinea Pig Adventures!


  1. hi thanks for that! there was an eagle near by and my guinea pigs had spotted it and i did to and i brought them immediately back inside. also, i would like to know if you Guinea pigs and Oreo met?

    1. Oh, good. And no, my Guinea pigs and oreo haven't met because oreo lives in a different country. But they have met on FaceTime! :)

  2. Replies
    1. Great that you learned something new today! :)

  3. Yes Trisha it is true.Oreo is with us for for nearly 15 months and has become very friendly, but still sometimes she gets scared and tries to hide herself whenever we pass her cage.

  4. Yes Trisha it is true.Oreo is with us for for nearly 15 months and has become very friendly, but still sometimes she gets scared and tries to hide herself whenever we pass her cage.


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