Oreo is my grandparents' guinea pig. Her birthday is May 16th, 2019. She is 1 year and 5 months old. Oreo loves a lot of different vegetables! Her favorite fruit is apple. Every day, my grandparents take her out of her cage to sit in the living room for an hour or two. Oreo enjoys this time a lot! She like to watch TV with my grandparents 😊 as well. In the picture Oreo is sitting on her small red pillow, which is her favorite. Oreo is very, very tame. Make sure to always bring your guinea pigs out for floor/lap time once a week or more often so they can get used to you.
I hope you enjoyed meeting Oreo! Make sure to subscribe to see more of Oreo! See you next time on Trisha's Guinea Pig Adventures!
A post from Oreo's birthday: Oreo's First Birthday
omg! Oreo is just like me! i love apples! her bday is also super close to mine :)
ReplyDeleteSo cool!
ReplyDeletehave your guinea pigs and oreo met?