The Pie Chart Of Guinea Pig Food

     What do all humans need to survive? Food, water, shelter, and oxygen. Guinea pigs are no different. Find out what food your guinea pig needs, along with how much of it to give them, in this post. 

    Here is a pie chart of the basic foods guinea pigs need:

    As you can see in the pie chart, your guinea pigs need hay, fruits, veggies and pellets to survive. You might have thought that the thing you most feed your guinea pigs is fruits and veggies. But that's not true. The thing you need to feed in majority to guinea pigs is... Hay! (which represents 75% percent of your guinea pigs' diet). The next most thing you have to feed your guinea pigs is fruits and veggies. (which represents 20% of your guinea pigs' diet). And the last, is pellets. (which represents 5% of your guinea pigs' diet). 
    Most people feed their guinea pigs veggies 2-3 times a day. I, myself, feed my guinea pigs veggies once in the morning (around 7am) and once in the evening (around 6:30pm). Around 4pm, I feed my guinea pigs some fruit (most likely apple) or a treat. I give them fresh hay in the morning when I clean the cage (somewhere between 8-9:30am) and when I clean the cage in the evening (around 8-9pm). They get fresh pellets when they're pellet bowl is half to completely empty. 
    It's best not to feed your guinea pigs every single time they wheek, or produce a loud squealing sound repeatedly meaning they are hungry/want attention. Feeding them meals (veggies) 2-3 times a day and fruits/treats 1-2 times a day is enough. Hay should always be available, as with pellets and water. 

    I hope you enjoyed this post, and that it was helpful! Make sure to subscribe so you can be the first one to know when a new post comes out! See you next time on Trisha's Guinea Pig Adventures! 


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