Fruit & Veggie DIY #1: Apple Peel Roses 🍎🌹

    Here's a fun Fruit & Veggie DIY! A fun treat for humans, and guinea pigs! Follow the instructions and you'll end up with a nice apple peel rose to give to your piggies, or, to eat yourself! Enjoy! And if you have any more ideas for future Fruit & Veggie DIYs, please say so in the comments! Thanks!

    I hope you enjoyed this post, and that it was fun! Remember to add your ideas for future Fruit & Veggie DIYs, along with other questions/what you thought of this post in the comments! Please subscribe and come back every few days for more posts! Bye! πŸŽπŸŒΉ


  1. The peel should be little longer and when you roll it you will get to see a real rose like appearance. Guinea pigs love apple and spple peels.

  2. Trisha you should change the screen colours. We are finding it difficult to read the purple colour. Yellow or white will go nicely with this red background.

  3. The Trisha Triumph. Truly Thumped to Traverse Through the Tasty Text. Thy threadbare Telling Tact Tremendously Thrilling. Thunderous Trumps to Trisha Tales

  4. this is also good for other pets such as rabbits.

    1. Yes, true. Many animals can eat apples/apple peels.

  5. New Fruit and Veggie DIY coming up soon! How do you feel about "veggie burgers" for guinea pigs? (Ingredients: pepper, lettuce, tomato and cucumber).


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