What's The Difference?
You might say, "Guinea pigs and hamsters... they're both rodents, right? And they look alike. I can't tell them apart! They can't be much different, right?" Or, "Hamsters need wheels. So do guinea pigs, then." Or even, "Hamsters don't eat vegetables and fruits! So why should guinea pigs?"
Well, that's all wrong! Guinea pigs and hamsters are two totally different creatures! And many people don't understand that! So here is a post explaining the differences--and the similarities of guinea pigs!
Differences between guinea pigs and hamsters:
1. Guinea pigs eat vegetables. Hamsters don't. Guinea pigs also eat hay, which hamsters don't eat either
2. Hamsters are smaller than guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are large.
3. Hamsters have tails. Guinea pigs don't.
4. Guinea pigs are crepuscular. This means they are most active at dawn and dusk. Hamsters are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night.
5. Hamsters bite more. Guinea pigs only nip when they don't like something. Guinea pigs only bite in the wild.
6. Guinea pigs are friendlier. Some people might not agree with this, but it's true.
Similarities between guinea pigs and hamsters:
1. They are both from the rodent family. So are squirrels and bunnies, just to name a few.
2. They both are super cute! Both guinea pigs and hamsters are super cute!
3. They both make great starter pets. Both guinea pigs and hamsters make amazing starter pets! So maybe get a guinea pig or hamster instead of a dog or cat?
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I hope you liked this! Hopefully everything is clear and understandable!