What Do You Need To Get Guinea Pigs?
Do you want to get guinea pigs? If you are, you're probably asking yourself, "What do guinea pigs need?" So here's a full list (with pictures) of all the things guinea pigs need!
1. A Big Cage. Guinea pigs may look small when you get them, but they grow to be pretty large creatures. So, of course, you need a big cage. Something at least 2 feet x 4 feet is a great cage size for 2 guinea pigs.
Our Cage
2. Hay. Hay is an essential part of a guinea pig's diet. You can buy Oxbow Hay, Alfafa Hay, or Timothy Hay. (Timothy Hay is the best hay for younger guinea pigs, though it is not hypoallergenic as Oxbow Hay is). Oxbow Hay also comes in different flavors.
Oxbow Orchard Grass Hay
3. Pellets. Guinea pigs need pellets. Make sure to get the boring looking, brown one. Not the one with the fruits and seeds because guinea pigs can choke on the seeds and sometimes the fruits are too sugary. (Guinea pigs + sugar: bad).
Kaytee Timothy Complete Pellets
4. Treats. Of course, you can use strawberries or grapes as treats, but a lot of guinea pigs like something more. Make sure to get the treat packet with all natural ingredients, such as apples and oats (a common treat flavor). Never get yogurt drops, as guinea pigs can't have dairy and those contain tremendous amounts of sugar.
Kaytee Timothy Biscuits (baked with apple+oats)
5. Bedding. Guinea pigs need bedding. You can get CareFresh bedding, or Kaytee bedding. We have tried both, and our guinea pigs can't chose a favorite:)
CareFresh Bedding
6. Food. Guinea pigs eat fruits and vegetables. Some fruits/veggies guinea pigs can't eat, so before trying a new food make sure to search it up. (Fruits should be fed in moderation)
Apple and Cucumber
7. Bowls. You need bowls to put your guinea pig's pellets and veggies/fruits in. Get medium sized, metal or ceramic bowls. Plastic bowls are easy to tip over and food will be spilled everywhere.
Our Pellet Bowl
8. Hay Rack. You need a hay rack to store your guinea pig's hay. (Currently in the hay rack there is less hay since the guinea pigs have eaten some. Make sure to give your guinea pigs much more hay than this)
Hay Rack
9. Huts. In the wild, guinea pigs are prey animals. A bird could swoop down from above at any moment. Even domesticated guinea pigs need a head covering. So make sure to get some huts/tunnels.
The Purple Hut (look carefully, do you see Pebby?)
10. A water bottle. Guinea pigs drink water too!
Water Bottle
11. Chew Toys. Guinea pigs' teeth grow continuously though their lives. So you need some chew toys to keep their teeth trimmed, plus for them to have fun.
Pebble's Favorite Chew Toy
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