Guinea Pigs And Coronavirus: Questions Answered
Can guinea pigs catch Coronavirus? If I want to get a guinea pig, should I wait till after the virus goes away? Answers to these questions, and more, in this post.
1. Can guinea pigs get Coronavirus? No. They cannot. There have been no reported cases of guinea pigs, or any other rodent, getting the Coronavirus. However, that doesn't mean it is not possible. If the virus mutates, it might be able to infect guinea pigs. But for now, don't worry about it.
2. When the vaccine comes out, should I give it to my guinea pig? No. Never give guinea pigs vaccines unless a vet does if your guinea pig is severely sick. Plus, guinea pigs should not be getting vaccines made for humans. Human vaccines have chemicals that can be very bad for a guinea pig.
3. If I want to get a guinea pig, should I wait until the virus goes away? Yes, you should. Pet stores might not be open right now and pet shelters won't be either. Things ordered from online will take a while to come. You should wait till at least next year, and even later if possible.
4. Is there anything I should do now to keep my guinea pigs prepared? Yes. Stock up on vegetables and fruits. Make sure you have enough hay, pellets, and bedding. You don't need to stock up treats, as these are not nessacary since everything is costly these days.
5. Can I transmit the virus to my guinea pigs, and vice versa? If guinea pigs could get the virus, which they cannot, then yes, you could transmit the virus. If you have allergies to hay or the guinea pigs themselves, it might be best to not go near the guinea pigs if you have Coronavirus. This might make your condition worse. Guinea pigs however, since they can't get the virus, can't transmit it to humans. If they could though, transmitting may be possible.
6. What if my guinea pig gets sick now? If you don't know the condition, some vet offices have online calls to look and diagnose your guinea pig. They might also be able to send you treatments in the mail, drop it at your door, or you could even pick it up yourself. If you know the condition, you could search up home remedies for the condition. Make sure to only look at the trusted sites ending in .org or .gov. Some conditions may not have any home remedies, though. If it is an emergency, you might have to go straight to the vet office or an emergency care place for exotic pets. Make sure you wear a face covering and/or gloves.
I hope this post was helpful! Bye!
Hopefully this post was helpful and you learned a lot!